Friday, January 9, 2009


7.30pm: We've finally brought Dazzle home! Dazzle was quite cool about the ride home. She trembled a little during the start of the car ride but settled down and gazed at the changing lights outside.

She got more excited when we were going up the multi storey carpark.
So, once we reached our home, Dazzle didn't roam about much. She pretty much stayed close to us but didn't really look disoriented.
Next, we introduced her to her new bone. She tookto it immediately and started pouncing on it as though the bone is an animate object and is about to take off to Mars.

We had a really great time playing with Dazzle and her new chew bone. It seemed there was no way she will let that bone out of her sight.
After a while, she's bushed. She got tired.. so did I... I did suffer from "new dog anxiety" the past few nights though. And we laid down...
Not long after, like all animals (and humans), Dazzle had to answer the call of nature. At first, we were a little worried about where she will do her businesses but thanks to Peter and Josephine's training, Dazzle simply walked into her cage and settled down at the far right corner to do her business. We gave her lots of praise of course!!
Somewhere in the midst of our "get to know each other" playtime, Dazzle got interested in the "friend" at the glass door. Like Enzo, it appears that Dazzle has the same interest. It'll be interesting when they meet..

10.30pm: Both Lilian and I were very tired and its time to get Dazzle back in her cage and introduced her to her new friend Dino. Hopefully, Dino can provide her with some comfort in this new home of hers. In time, she will realise that this home will be her safe haven. She probably doesn't know that yet.

Before we go to bed, we put Dino into Dazzle's cage to give her some comfort.

Well, she seemed to like Dino. She didn't really bite it but just placed it at one corner and snuggled up with it.

So, we decided that its time to go and take our showers. It was not more than 10mins into our shower, when we heard Dazzle whining. It was a very low but very very sad whine.. and it got louder and louder.

Dazzle continued to whine into the night. We felt really really sad and almost did act against all advises to bring her out and give her comfort but we resisted.

Good night Dazzle. Hope you can fit into this new home soon.

1 comment:

  1. hey BH, glad u got urself Dazzle. She's a real cutie and pictures simply doesnt do her any justice.

    Like Enzo, Dazzle will eventually learn that this is her new home where she'll have everything she'll ever need to be happy haha. It just takes alittle time, that's all.
